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Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology

Daejeon, South Korea

Starting as Korea’s first research-oriented graduate school, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has transformed into one of the best academic institutes of science and technology in the world! Located in Daejeon, in the center-west region of South Korea, you'll find Seoul to the north and Busan to the south. The university serves as a central transportation hub, making it possible to travel anywhere in the country in a couple of hours. The campus is surrounded by beautiful mountains and features waterways, complete with fountains and a lake to give exchange students the dual experience of a vibrant campus life within a picturesque provincial setting. 

Links and Resources:

Important Information for 2024-25

  • Global Exchange Program applications open October 1 in TritonsAbroad
  • Check the nomination and application deadlines for 2024-25 to ensure your application is submitted on time. 
  • Please note that Global Exchange Programs have two applications: one for UC San Diego (TritonsAbroad) and the other for the partner university. 
Visit the How to Apply section for more information on the application process and the Pre-Departure Requirements section for important steps and considerations leading up to your time abroad. 


Basic Information

Exchange Details:

  • Academic Level: Undergraduate
  • Academic Years: Junior and Senior
  • Eligible Major(s): STEM Majors
  • GPA: 3.0 or better

Academic Calendar:

  • Fall Semester: late August to mid-December
  • Spring Semester: late February to mid-June

KAIST organizes incoming student orientations prior to the start of each semester. Upon acceptance into the exchange program, you will receive detailed information with the dates of these orientations. More information can be found on KAIST's academic calendar (page in Korean).

Course Information

  • Full Time Enrollment: Students can enroll in a minimum of 4 courses (12 credits) or a maximum of 8 courses (24 credits). KAIST requires that at least 50% of the courses you take are major-related. For instance, if you are a Computer Science and Engineering major at UC San Diego, at least half of your courses must be courses taught at the KAIST School of Computing. 
  • Course Catalog: Students can find all courses via the online course catalog. Course lists are available approximately 2 months prior to the starting date of a semester. 
  • Course Registration: Course registration will being 1-2 months before the beginning of the semester. You will receive information on registering for courses after you are nominated and accepted by KAIST. 
  • Language of Instruction: English and Korean. Approximately 85% of KAIST's undergraduate courses are taught in English. Korean language courses are offered but are based on interest and availability on instructors, so they are not guaranteed for every semester. 
  • Restricted Courses: Students are not allowed to register for graduate level courses. Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering is also not available to exchange students. 

Housing and Dining

KAIST will apply for on-campus accommodation for all exchange students based on their application form. The assigned dormitories (room type: double or triple occupancy) for exchange students are furnished with beds, closets, a pillow and blanket, desks and chairs for each room. Shared facilities include restrooms, showers, washing machines, clothes dryer, and a lobby on each floor.

Students are responsible for paying for their own accommodation; the cost is approximately 500-900 USD per semester. 

Cost of Living

The average cost of living is approximately $925 USD per month in Daejeon.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

For information on financial aid, scholarships and additional funding, email

Immigration and Visas

All non-Korean citizens must obtain a visa to study in Korea. KAIST's International Student Support Services has the information students need regarding obtaining a student visa and the Alien Registration Card after arrival. You will need a certificate of admission to apply, which will be provided once accepted into the exchange program. 
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR KOREAN-AMERICANS: If you are of Korean nationality, there are important considerations for this program. If you have US citizenship, but your parents were born in Korea, you'll be considered a Korean citizen by the Korean Consulate. You should contact the Korean Consulate regarding your ability to obtain a Korean visa because the process can be lengthy. If you're a Korean citizen, you must apply for this program as a Korean citizen even if you have dual citizenship with another country. Male students who have Korean citizenship either by birth or blood can be conscripted into the Korean military if they are 18-36 years old and haven't satisfied their Korean military service requirement. Check with the Korean Consulate for more information.


Health and Wellness

KAIST does not provide any insurance for exchange students. Therefore, it is mandatory that all incoming exchange students purchase insurance for overseas study in their home countries. Although the limit of coverage is up to the discretion of each student, all incoming exchange students must acquire overseas health insurance that covers them during the full duration of their stay overseas.

Instructions for UC/ domestic insurance is provided in the pre-departure checklist after nomination to the program.

Student Experience and Opportunities

  • Research Opportunities- In addition to coursework, students can enroll in "Individual Research" courses worth 1 credit. If you wish to pursue any sort of research at KAIST, it's important to discuss this with your study abroad advisor and KAIST incoming international student advisors prior to registration. 
  • Buddy/ Mentor Program: Buddies are current KAIST who volunteer to support new students for their smooth settlement and adjustment into the life and culture in Korea.